Who is Martin Luther?

Early Life and Education

Martin Luther. Born in 1483, Martin Luther chose a monastic life over legal studies. Joining the Augustinian Order, he embarked on theological pursuits.

95 Theses and the Reform Movement

In 1517, Luther sparked change by posting the 95 Theses, critiquing church practices and igniting the Reformation.

Personal Belief and Scripture-Centric Approach

Luther emphasized individual faith, advocating a Christianity centered on Scriptures and fostering a direct connection with God.

Struggle for Religious and Conscience Freedom

Emphasizing freedom of religion and conscience, Luther opposed the authority of the church. His stance contributed to the spread of the Protestant Reformation. And the emergence of various denominations in the Christian world.

Works and Lasting Impact

Before his death, Luther authored numerous works, laying the foundations for Protestantism. Luther, who passed away on February 18, 1546. Is remembered as a crucial figure in Christian history, leaving a lasting impact.

Martin Luther led church reforms. Emphasized religious freedom, and played a significant role in shaping the Protestant faith. Making him a lasting figure in Christian history.

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