What is Electricity?

Electricity is basically a form of energy that carries a charge and plays an important role in many areas of our lives. This energy, resulting from the movement of electrons, has become an indispensable part of modern society. So, what is electricity and how does it work?

So, what is electricity and how does it work?

Electricity refers to the flow of energy resulting from the movement of electrons, which are subatomic particles, in a certain direction. Electrons are negatively charged particles that can move freely in a substance. This movement creates an energy current and this current is called electricity.

Basic Properties of Electricity:

Current (Ampere): Current in electricity measures the amount of charge carrying electrons from one point to another. This magnitude is expressed in amperes (A).

Voltage (Volt): It refers to the electrical potential difference and represents the power that enables the movement of electrons in a circuit. It is measured in volt (V) unit.

Resistance (Ohm): Refers to the degree to which a conductor resists electric current. It is measured in units of Ohm (Ω).

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